Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Strategems and Objective Markers

I made these Strategem Markers a while ago, after CoD first came out. With the Importence of Objectives in 5th...they naturally became two of my objective markers for my Eldar force.

#1) Extra Ammo, or one of the Tunnel Exits. Made from a left over Falcon hatch, spare from the wave serpent converstion.


#2) Beacon / Sensor. Made from scrap falcon parts, and a shiled from an old Mekton Mini.


That's all I have done for now.


  1. I like the beacon. I may have to steal that idea for my army.

  2. I played a game once where we used something similar. It was an entrance to an underground bunker where we used space hulk to play the second game.

    Nice job on the marker.

  3. I like the objective markers also - though I think your imperial guard ones have more personality.

  4. I actually use the Egyptian-style statue from the Dire Avenger kit, mounted on a base that has a coin glued underneath for balance. It's wonderfully simple, but not as pretty as the markers you have there!


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